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Load Picture

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This command will load a picture (either file or field) into a TImage object that exists on a form.


LOAD_PICTURE f/c/e Required - This is the name of the TImage object.  The object must exist on the current form.


FILE f/c/eIf you are loading the picture from a file on the disk this is the file name.  Must include complete path if it is not in the current path and the file extension.


FIELD fn/vIf you are loading the picture from a field this is the field name. NOTE:  At the current time you can only store a picture in a field as a .BMP file format.




You cannot load a picture using the standard SET_OBJECT command referring to the Picture property, you must use this command.  Also, you must specify either the FILE or FIELD option in the command.  You cannot have both.




    // BKPR.EMP.NOTES[7] is a defined fld and will hold the pathname and file name 

    If BKPR.EMP.NOTES[7] <> ''

      If FILE_EXISTS(bkpr.emp.notes[7])  

      // you need To check To make sure 

      // the file exists before you load 

      // a picture Or you will Get an error.


        Set_Object 'image1' property 'visible' value true




      Set_Object 'image1' property 'visible' value false




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